The Sorceress - Die Zauberin

My latest image..."The Sorceress"! I shot the "components" (so to speak) last autumn with a dear friend of mine but it took a while to complete. I had a specific idea in mind but it wasn't until some time ago that the final piece corresponded more with the message I had envisioned. Maybe it still doesn't...who knows ;)

As always, I don't want to write an essay about the message behind the image.  Everyone should find their own meaning and interpretation. I did, however, think along the lines of creating something out of nothing - may it be the life you want to live, thought patterns.........or, hahaha, a great dress on a photo shoot without having a dress ;)

It is in OUR power to make changes, create new thought patterns, change direction in our lives whenever we want. In the end, it is not up to somebody else or some invisible force, but everything is in our own hands and can be created, done, changed by ourselves. Therefor, "The Sorceress" is a strong individual that finds strength within themselves to create what they want and how they want.

This time I do not have a speed edit for this image but............a few behind-the-scenes shots from our autumn day in a field ;) I hope you enjoy!

my model, looking a bit lost; me and her trying to create "the dress"; shooting the props.

my model, looking a bit lost; me and her trying to create "the dress"; shooting the props.

Guarding Dreams

Guarding Dreams

Sometimes in life nothing seems to be of greater importance than protecting your visions, your goals, and dreams. Without these where do we go in life? Reality and everything that comes with it is there anyway or catches up with you very quickly. But I believe the number one thing that keeps us going sometimes are our secret and not-so-secret wishes and dreams. Don't always tell the whole world about them. Keep them guarded within and have them as a powerful source of inspiration and strength! :)

Full size image here !


First Speed Edit Video!

I have always loved to check out speed edit videos on YouTube or Vimeo and therefore always wanted to create one myself. HERE IT IS!

Speed edits give you a look behind the scenes and show how many steps go into some images. For fellow photographers this is interesting for obvious reasons. Viewers of images often only see the end result and either like the piece or not. Few know how these images were created.

Now that I learned how to record my screen and use the editing software, there is nothing stopping me from making these videos more frequently. Also in this first one, I present a new piece. I hope you enjoy!

I use for recording and editing. The song is by Jess Penner and was provided by

Full size image here !